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Huntington Beach Union High School District

Student Services » Incoming Students

Incoming Students

If you are a(n)...

A. Student who is new to the area/district

Parents who wish to enroll their students in the Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) should take the following information to their home high school:

The student will also need to have had a clear TB test that has been read within the last 60 days. Photo identification will need to be provided.

The home high school will provide the documentation needed to enroll your student. If you are unsure of your home high school, you can check that here.

B. Eighth grade student who attends a feeder school

If your student is currently in the 8th grade and attending a school from one of our feeder districts (FVSD, HBCSD, OVHS, WSD), your student’s information is transferred directly from these districts.

Registration information will not be available until the month of August prior to the start of school. This information will come from your home high school. The District Office is unable to register/enroll students.

C. Eighth grade student who attends a private school

A New Enrollment Residency Verification Form will need to be completed if your student is currently in the 8th grade and attending private school. You will need to go to your home high school to complete this form.