Coast High School to launch student-crafted, solar-powered boat Independent study students at Coast High School (CHS) are set to compete in the 2016 Solar Cup, a competition in which teams of students from throughout Southern California build and race solar-powered boats. Published January 7, 2016
New Year, New Strategic Plan The Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) is proud to announce the release of it's new 2016-2019 Strategic Plan featuring the mission statement, "We will educate, prepare, and inspire our students to change the world." Published January 4, 2016
A holiday message from the Superintendent for HBUHSD faculty and staff Tis the season…for us to take a well-earned break from the work we love so much! Thank you for all of your dedicated service to our students and their families. There is a real and tangible sense of pride and accomplishment in our district. That very same pride is much like an elegantly wrapped present, which is humbly admired, and held on to with great enthusiasm. Published December 18, 2015
Longtime Fountain Valley High School teacher presents at CUE Conference On October 24, 2015, David Theriault, longtime English Literature teacher at Fountain Valley High School, presented at the CUE (Computer Using Educators) 2015 Fall Conference as the closing keynote speaker. His session titled, “The Life Aquatic: This is Adventure,” references the movie, “The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou,” and brings its listeners into the submarine of Theriault’s classroom and, using stories from his life and the lives of his students, challenges listeners to seek adventure and embrace not knowing. Published December 16, 2015
HBUHSD school and community safety update As you may have heard, all Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) sites are currently closed due to a credible district-wide threat. The local law enforcement has instructed our district administration team that the Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) has not been threatened in any way. Published December 15, 2015
HBUHSD named to College Board's 6th Annual AP District Honor Roll The Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) has been named to the 2015 College Board’s 6th Annual AP District Honor Roll for the second time in the last three years – previously in 2013. In doing so, this makes the District one of only two school districts in Orange County and one of only 29 school districts in the state of California to receive this matching distinction. Published December 2, 2015
C.A.R.E. Month at Edison High School All throughout November, Edison High School (EHS) chose to dedicate the entire month to emphasize the importance of caring. Students, parents and staff members were encouraged to participate in C.A.R.E. Month, or the Campaign for Acceptance, Respect and Empathy. The Chargers designated a special theme to each week including Social Media Awareness, Special Abilities Awareness, and Acceptance. Published December 11, 2015
Valley Vista HS students "Doodle 4 Google" Under the direction of art teacher, Ms. Michelle Delanty, students at Valley Vista High School have had the opportunity to create their very own “Google Doodles.” Google Inc., a multinational technology company specializing in Internet related services and products, is in the midst of holding its, “Doodle 4 Google” contest with the theme, “What Makes Me…Me.” Published December 3, 2015
OCADA honors HBUHSD "Coaches with Character" The Orange County Athletic Directors Association (OCADA) recently honored "Coaches with Character" from OC high schools on Monday, Nov. 16 at the Anaheim Convention Center. The Huntington Beach Union High School District (HBUHSD) was well represented with an honoree from each of our six comprehensive high schools recognized. Published December 1, 2015
HBUHSD reduces community's tax bill by millions The Huntington Beach Union High School District is proud to announce its most recent initiative to benefit its students and community members. Under the leadership and direction of the Board of Trustees, Superintendent Dr. Greg Plutko chose to take advantage of historically low interest rates to refinance the district’s Election of 2004 Bonds without extending their life. Published November 20, 2015